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来源:尖兵之翼 | 作者:AUVSC联盟 | 发布时间: 2223天前 | 8505 次浏览 | 分享到:
2014年7月,“尖兵之翼—第五届中国无人机大会暨展览会”于北京展览馆盛大开幕。 本届大会的主题是:融合、创新、发展、 共赢。

       20147月,“尖兵之翼—第五届中国无人机大会暨展览会”于北京展览馆盛大开幕。 本届大会的主题是:融合、创新、发展、 共赢。大会和展览吸引了国内无人机管理、 生产、科研、使用等各方近60家单位参展,共展出各种用途的无人机整机70架。

In July 2014,Vanguard Wing-the fifth session of China UAV Conference and Exhibitionwas grandly opened at Beijing Exhibition Hall.The theme of this conference isintegration,innovation,development and win-win.The Conference and Exhibition attracted nearly 60 domestic units engaged in the management,production, research and use of UAV to participate in the exhibition and a total of 70 UAV machines for various uses were exhibited.


Based on the foundation of successfully held fifth session of Vanguard Wing China UAV Conference and Exhibition and the understanding of UAV industry,Vanguard Wing 2014 Aerial Photography Equipment Conference was planned and held in Shenzhen. Took the special application of UAV as the theme, this conference aimed to facilitate the full integration of production, study, research, trade and use in UAV field, promote the progress of aerial technology and provide services for technical exchanges of specific subject of aerial photography customers.